

We believe the church's best days are ahead of us


Who can attend?

Who can attend?

BaseCon is open for anyone to attend. For the pastor, team, or individual attendee, BaseCon is designed to equip the local church to continue building into the future.

Where is BaseCon 2024 hosted?

Where is BaseCon 2024 hosted?

BaseCon will be held at our Base City location, 100 Fergus Ave, Kitchener ON, N2A 2H2.

Is childcare provided?

Is childcare provided?

Our Base Kids Parenting Room will be available for nursing moms, however additional childcare will not be available.

When does it begin and end?

When does it begin and end?

Conference doors open to registrants at 5:30PM on Friday, September 27 followed by an after party. On Saturday, September 28, doors open at 8AM and the day is scheduled to end at 9PM.

What is the cost?

What is the cost?

Cost for BaseCon varies on the time you register for the event. The sooner you register, the more you save!

What does the registration fee cover?

What does the registration fee cover?

The registration fee covers your admission to all 2 days of BaseCon including main sessions, breakouts, an after party on night 1, and a light breakfast and lunch on day 2.

Will there be any extra fees?

Will there be any extra fees?

Your registration covers admission and food. You may want to bring extra funds to purchase BaseCon merchandise and resources.

Can registrations be canceled?

Can registrations be canceled?

All registrations are non refundable. We know things come up out of our control, so your registration is transferable. Contact to transfer your ticket to an available ticket holder.

How can I serve?

How can I serve?

Anyone is welcome to serve on our BaseCon teams. If you currently serve on a Base Church team, we encourage you to sign up under your current team. If you are not yet serving on a team, fill out a connect card to join a team and we can get you scheduled! For all BaseCon volunteers, contact Laura at for the early bird rate discount code. Thank you for serving!

What airport should attendees fly into?

What airport should attendees fly into?

The closest airport to Base Church KW is Waterloo Regional Airport in Breslau.

Is there parking at BaseCon?

Is there parking at BaseCon?

Yes! Our parking team will be ready to greet you and direct you to a parking spot when you arrive.



  • faithful

  • humble

  • unified

  • young at heart

  • Spirit-led

  • audacious

  • generous

  • young at heart

  • Spirit-led

  • audacious

  • generous

  • faithful

  • humble

  • unified

©2024 Base Church

Made with love in Ontario, Canada